Ancestral Reconstruction
Given a phylogeny, and observations on some set of leaf nodes, "ancestral reconstruction" describes a family of approaches for inferring the state of the ancestors, or the distribution over possible states of ancestors.
using MolecularEvolution
#Simulate a small tree, with Brownian motion over it
tree = sim_tree(n=10)
internal_message_init!(tree, GaussianPartition())
bm_model = BrownianMotion(0.0,0.1)
sample_down!(tree, bm_model)
r(x) = round(x,sigdigits = 3)
println("Leaf values:")
for n in getleaflist(tree)
println(," : ",r(n.message[1].mean))
d = marginal_state_dict(tree,bm_model)
println("Inferred internal means (±95% intervals):")
for n in getnonleaflist(tree)
m,s = d[n][1].mean,sqrt(d[n][1].var)
println(r(m), "±", r(1.96*s), " - true value: ",r(n.message[1].mean))
Leaf values:
tax8 : -1.03
tax1 : -1.15
tax9 : -1.67
tax10 : -0.112
tax6 : -0.0183
tax2 : -0.0574
tax3 : 0.207
tax5 : 0.0021
tax4 : 0.634
tax7 : 0.544
Inferred internal means (±95% intervals):
-0.485±0.815 - true value: -0.587
-1.17±0.556 - true value: -1.37
-1.1±0.256 - true value: -1.09
0.116±0.45 - true value: 0.21
0.0275±0.35 - true value: -0.035
0.0216±0.283 - true value: 0.0177
0.0459±0.13 - true value: 0.0485
0.0532±0.122 - true value: 0.075
0.571±0.147 - true value: 0.589
We can also find the values of the state for each node under the following scheme: the state that maximizes the marginal likelihood is selected at the root, and then, for each node, the maximum likelihood state is selected conditioned on the (maximized) state of the parent node and the observations of all descendents. This ensures that the combination of ancestral states is, jointly, high likelihood. In the case of Brownian motion, these just happen to be the same as the marginal means, but that isn't necessarily the case for other models:
d = cascading_max_state_dict(tree,bm_model)
println("Inferred internal values:")
for n in getnonleaflist(tree)
m = d[n][1].mean
println(r(m), " - true value: ",r(n.message[1].mean))
Inferred most likely (jointly) internal values:
-0.485 - true value: -0.587
-1.17 - true value: -1.37
-1.1 - true value: -1.09
0.116 - true value: 0.21
0.0275 - true value: -0.035
0.0216 - true value: 0.0177
0.0459 - true value: 0.0485
0.0532 - true value: 0.075
0.571 - true value: 0.589
And we can sample internal states under our model, but conditioned on the leaf observations:
d = endpoint_conditioned_sample_state_dict(tree,bm_model)
println("Sampled states, conditioned on observed leaves:")
for n in getnonleaflist(tree)
m = d[n][1].mean
println(r(m), " - true value: ",r(n.message[1].mean))
Sampled states, conditioned on observed leaves:
-0.784 - true value: -0.587
-1.3 - true value: -1.37
-1.13 - true value: -1.09
-0.155 - true value: 0.21
0.0118 - true value: -0.035
0.0305 - true value: 0.0177
0.0913 - true value: 0.0485
0.0542 - true value: 0.075
0.498 - true value: 0.589
— Functionmarginal_state_dict(tree::FelNode, model; partition_list = 1:length(tree.message), node_message_dict = Dict{FelNode,Vector{<:Partition}}())
Takes in a tree and a model (which can be a single model, an array of models, or a function that maps FelNode->Array{<:BranchModel}), and returns a dictionary mapping nodes to their marginal reconstructions (ie. P(state|all observations,model)). A subset of partitions can be specified by partition_list, and a dictionary can be passed in to avoid re-allocating memory, in case you're running this over and over.
— Functioncascading_max_state_dict(tree::FelNode, model; partition_list = 1:length(tree.message), node_message_dict = Dict{FelNode,Vector{<:Partition}}())
Takes in a tree and a model (which can be a single model, an array of models, or a function that maps FelNode->Array{<:BranchModel}), and returns a dictionary mapping nodes to their inferred ancestors under the following scheme: the state that maximizes the marginal likelihood is selected at the root, and then, for each node, the maximum likelihood state is selected conditioned on the maximized state of the parent node and the observations of all descendents. A subset of partitions can be specified by partition_list, and a dictionary can be passed in to avoid re-allocating memory, in case you're running this over and over.
— Functionendpoint_conditioned_sample_state_dict(tree::FelNode, model; partition_list = 1:length(tree.message), node_message_dict = Dict{FelNode,Vector{<:Partition}}())
Takes in a tree and a model (which can be a single model, an array of models, or a function that maps FelNode->Array{<:BranchModel}), and draws samples under the model conditions on the leaf observations. These samples are stored in the nodemessagedict, which is returned. A subset of partitions can be specified by partition_list, and a dictionary can be passed in to avoid re-allocating memory, in case you're running this over and over.