
Coming soon.

Discrete state models

Codon models

Continuous models

Compound models

Lazy models





Initialize an empty LazyPartition that is meant for wrapping a partition of type PType.


With this data structure, you can wrap a partition of choice. The idea is that in some message passing algorithms, there is only a wave of partitions which need to actualize. For instance, a wave following a root-leaf path, or a depth-first traversal. In which case, we can be more economical with our memory consumption. With a worst case memory complexity of O(log(n)), where n is the number of nodes, functionality is provided for:

  • log_likelihood!
  • felsenstein!
  • sample_down!

For successive felsenstein! calls, we need to extract the information at the root somehow after each call. This can be done with e.g. total_LL or site_LLs.

Further requirements

Suppose you want to wrap a partition of PType with LazyPartition:

  • If you're calling log_likelihood! and felsenstein!:
    • obs2partition!(partition::PType, obs) that transforms an observation to a partition.
  • If you're calling sample_down!:
    • partition2obs(partition::PType) that returns the most likely state from a partition, inverts obs2partition!.


Example 1: Initializing for an upward pass

Now, we show how to wrap the CodonPartitions from Example 3: FUBAR with LazyPartition:

You simply go from initializing messages like this:

initial_partition = CodonPartition(Int64(length(seqs[1])/3))
initial_partition.state .= eq_freqs

To this

initial_partition = CodonPartition(Int64(length(seqs[1])/3))
initial_partition.state .= eq_freqs
lazy_initial_partition = LazyPartition{CodonPartition}()
lazyprep!(tree, initial_partition)

By this slight modification, we go from initializing and using 554 partitions to 6 during the subsequent log_likelihood! and felsenstein! calls. There is no significant decrease in performance recorded from this switch.

Example 2: Initializing for a downward pass

Now, we show how to wrap the GaussianPartitions from Quick example: Likelihood calculations under phylogenetic Brownian motion: with LazyPartition:

You simply go from initializing messages like this:

internal_message_init!(tree, GaussianPartition())

To this (technically we only add 1 LOC)

initial_partition = GaussianPartition()
lazy_initial_partition = LazyPartition{GaussianPartition}()
internal_message_init!(tree, lazy_initial_partition)
lazyprep!(tree, initial_partition, direction=LazyDown(isleafnode))

Now, we provided a direction for lazyprep!. The direction is an instance of LazyDown, which was initialized with the isleafnode function. The function isleafnode dictates if a node saves its sampled observation after a down pass. If you use direction=LazyDown(), every node saves its observation.

Surrounding LazyPartition

lazyprep!(tree::FelNode, initial_message::Vector{<:Partition}; partition_list = 1:length(tree.message), direction::LazyDirection = LazyUp())

Extra, intermediate step of tree preparations between initializing messages across the tree and calling message passing algorithms with LazyPartition.

  1. Perform a lazysort! on tree to obtain the optimal tree for a lazy felsenstein! prop, or a sample_down!.
  2. Fix tree.parent_message to an initial message.
  3. Preallocate sufficiently many inner partitions needed for a felsenstein! prop, or a sample_down!.
  4. Specialized preparations based on the direction of the operations (forward!, backward!). LazyDown or LazyUp.

See also LazyDown, LazyUp.



LazyDown() = LazyDown(x::FelNode -> true)


Indicate that we want to do a downward pass, e.g. sample_down!. The function passed to the constructor takes a node::FelNode as input and returns a Bool that decides if node stores its observations.
